Hot Oral Sex Tips - Make noise.
Show your enthusiasm by moaning and groaning as you go, letting your noise turn both of you on.
This can be a great way to take a rest as well. Stop what you are doing, look up at him with big wide eyes and talk to him. Unless you love talking dirty, just keep things simple. Say things like "Does this feel good?" or "You look so hot to me right now" or tease with a question like "Want more?"
Show your enthusiasm by moaning and groaning as you go, letting your noise turn both of you on.
This can be a great way to take a rest as well. Stop what you are doing, look up at him with big wide eyes and talk to him. Unless you love talking dirty, just keep things simple. Say things like "Does this feel good?" or "You look so hot to me right now" or tease with a question like "Want more?"